Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

接受由拉马尔州立学院学生资助办公室管理的资金 亚瑟港的学生必须在完成一门课程的过程中取得可衡量的进步 eligible degree or certificate. Federal regulations require that 学生’s entire 无论如何,学业成绩将被评估为令人满意的学业进步(SAP) of whether 学生 has previously received 金融援助.  由于此政策的复杂性,如果您有任何疑问请联系财务部门 援助办公室 for further clarification.

对于有资格获得正规靠谱赌博软件联邦学生援助的学生,学生 必须 维护 令人满意的进展 in the course of study being pursued as described below:

  1. 量化的标准- Complete at least 70% of attempted courses.  Failing grades, drops, incompletes and withdrawals can result in failure to meet 70% completion rate.
  2. 定性标准-   学生s must meet the 最低绩点2.0 as defined in the college catalog.
  3. 150%最大时间范围- Graduate within 150% of the time frame required to obtain your degree.

*在留校察看期间重新进入正规靠谱赌博软件的学生将被视为不合格 申请经济援助.  学生s must follow proper appeal procedures for any mitigating 情况下.

*令人满意的学术进步是基于学时数的注册状态 哪个学生是在大学人口普查日期或经济援助时入学的 funds were received (whichever is later) for each semester.

*学生必须注册至少6个学期的学分才能被考虑为金融 assistance and to 维护 SAP.

*拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港每年在春季学期结束时计算SAP. 项目 that are one year or less, SAP is reviewed every semester. 如果你参加 summer term, SAP will be reviewed at the end of summer term. 将对SAP进行审查 once grades are posted in the college’s system. If 学生 meets all three of 在上述条件下,他们仍然有资格接受联邦学生 aid funds until the next evaluation period.

根据联邦法规,一旦学生获得任何一所大学的学士学位 机构或达到600%的佩尔资格,他们有资格获得联邦 Loans, but not the Pell Grant.  拉马尔州立大学 Port Arthur participates in the Direct Loan Program offering Subsidized and Un-Subsidized loans. 拉马尔州立大学 Port Arthur does not offer Parent PLUS loans.


A student can retake any previously passed course (one time only). 这门重修课 是否会被计入学生的入学资格,该学生是否会获得奖励 第四章援助.   However if student passed a class once then is repaid for retaking 如果第二次不及格,就会被计入他们的补考费用 will not be paid for retaking the class a third time.  学生 should contact the 金融援助 Office prior to repeating a course.


通常情况下,学生不能在超过入学期限的时间内获得经济援助 150% of the published program length (to be measured by all hours attempted).

Attempted Hour Limitations

学位/证书 小时/追求未遂
Associate Degree (Two Year Degree) 90 hours attempted / pursued

如果一个特定的两年制副学士学位课程有公布的总课程长度 60个学分是学生必须完成的最长时间 program  is 90 semester credit hours.  All work from other institutions that will 转入正规靠谱赌博软件学位计划,作为必修课程,将包括在 program completion time frame. A student may continue to attend 正规靠谱赌博软件 after the program 完成时间已过,但不能提供财政援助 学生.  Exceptions can be made through an appeal process on a case by case basis. 学生必须完成超额学时/获得学位申诉,并提交给财务部门 援助办公室.


成绩:F(不及格)、Q/Q6(退学)、I(不完整)、U(不满意)、W(退学)、 或NG(无职系)


已成功完成的每门所需的发展课程将被考虑 as hours earned for calculating SAP.  However, the total number of developmental courses 接受以上所列的最低工作时数要求,总时数不能超过 9个学时.  (发展al courses in which a grade other than A, B, or C, will not be accepted as SAP and will not be considered as hours earned.)


  • 进入大一新生-将被认为是取得令人满意的学业进步,当学生 is accepted for enrollment at 正规靠谱赌博软件.  Thereafter, 学生 must successfully meet the minimum academic requirements of this policy.
  • 返回的学生-至少错过了一个长学期(秋季或春季)的学生 如果学生达到GPA,则被认为仍然具有学术资格 需求,成功满足与小时数相关的需求 completed, and is accepted for readmission at 正规靠谱赌博软件. 
  • Entering Transfer 学生s-如果学生成功达到最低要求,将被视为符合资格 academic requirements of this policy as well as gpa of 2.0.
  • 继续正规靠谱赌博软件-学生s who meet SAP requirements as outlined in this policy. (评估将 要基于学生的成绩,学术历史和记录的情况. 这包括所有的学期,甚至那些学生没有收到 金融援助.).


  • 上诉程序-有减轻情节导致未能维护SAP的学生可以 向财政援助上诉小组提交上诉和任何证明文件.  如果需要进一步上诉,学生可以提交额外的支持信息 of the appeal to the Director of 学生 金融援助.  如果学生想要一个 在前两个级别之后进一步上诉,学生可以提交额外的信息 in support of the appeal to the Dean of 学生 服务.  提出上诉 does not guarantee the approval of aid eligibility.  Therefore, students who have 因缺乏SAP而被拒绝提供经济援助的学生必须准备支付注册费 成本.
  • 减轻处罚的情节-对可能影响学习成绩的异常情况进行评估 during the semester/year; might be used in the determination of academic eligibility.  即使学生没有满足所有要求,也可以考虑减轻处罚 of the requirements for academic eligibility.  Some unusual 情况下 which may 考虑的是:1)每周可证实的工作时间为30-40小时或以上 attending the college less than full-time status; 2) Personal injury of extended illness supported by specific documentations; 3) Returning student after several years of non-enrollment; 4) Unusual 情况下 that affected students’ academic performance including death or illness of a family member; 5) Other special 情况下 as determined 按机构划分.
    • Information to Include in Appeal -说明为什么SAP没有被维护,以及你有什么计划可以允许 SAP to be 维护ed at the end of the next term.  Complete the Academic Progress Appeal and submit to the 金融援助 Office.
    • 结果 - Once a decision has been finalized an email/letter will be sent to you.  这个决定 是否可以获得助学金试用期、学术计划批准和学术计划 Approved for Change of Major or Denied. If your appeal is denied, you will not be eligible for that semester. If you’re extenuating 情况下 change, then you have the right to appeal for a future semester that you wish to attend. 财政援助 决定是最终的.
  • 学生s Who Withdraw from the 大学-学生必须根据本政策维护SAP,包括退学学期.  因停学而离校的返校学生被重新录取 在学生被开除之前,联邦财政援助不会被考虑 has met the minimum SAP requirements.  学生s are recommended to attend the summer semesters in order to complete the required hours.  学生s may follow proper appeal procedures for any mitigating 情况下.


  • Inform the 学生 金融援助 Office-一旦达到SAP标准,符合任何这些标准的学生都可以复学 申请经济援助 consideration.  学生s who fail to 维护 academic eligibility 在复职后,将没有资格获得正规靠谱赌博软件的资助,直到 they have achieved SAP requirements. 学生s will need to appeal to be considered 欲知更多资格.
  • 金融援助 Reinstatement-由于缺乏SAP而被终止经济援助参与的学生可能成为 eligible again 申请经济援助 once they meet SAP requirements. 在此期间 学生必须取得足以提升其整体表现的学业进步 into alignment with the standards of this policy.